May 26, 2004 - Another AI application
Sept 16, 2003 - Updates are going to come
very slowly. I am working on other projects and of course my job.
Oct 1, 2002 - Linux version is available!
glAnts Project Page
Sept 28, 2002 - Finished the menu, added
some misc screens. Fullscreen works. Moving to linux now, wish me
Sept 25, 2002 - Added menu and some more controls,
nothing special
Sept 14, 2002 - Revamped the system, added a
more game look. Collision detection is not 100% but you have something.
Sept 8, 2002 - The current version has mouse
support for the camera, a small score indicator and you can modify
a config file in order to change the configuration of the game.
Sept 4, 2002 - Added a player so that you
can shoot other ants. The camera takes a little getting used
to and the speed is a little slow, but at least you get to move
Aug 13,2002 - The site is up, the first set
of opengl code under windows will be posted sometime today.
Aug 16,2002 - The first test version is available.
All source is provided because that is the only way to change anything.
You can download from
Aug 13, 2002 - Currently glAnts is an ant simulation.
A set of of about 100-500 ants try to survive in a simulated garden.
If Anything offsets the balance of the world, then the ants die over time.
Otherwise, the ants may produce a surplus of food which has never happened.
The goal is to use this simple Alife simulation to create a
game in the area of a first person shooter. Your goal would be
to disrupt the ants balance and thereby destroy the ant colony. There
goals is protect the nest.