Collision Detection

Where do I begin, I still dont have a good method of performing collision detection. I tried to make it as simple as possible. So at present, I have a list of collisions objects. The objects can be static or moving, if they are static it is best if they are a line that way I can do a line segment on line segment test. If they are moving I pull some tricks to test a rectangle like object. I might add a bsp algorithm for the static objects. But since I only have 40 objects it really wont save me that much. If I had 400, I would have to. The only good thing about the method I am using is that I am doing a lot of ray ,line, polygon interaction, so if my bullets have a direction vector, I already know which object the bullet is going to hit before it is fired. That was the benefit of going with this method.

// collision.h
#ifndef _COLLISION_H_
#define _COLLISION_H_
#include "bot.h"

#define MOVING_COL_TYPE			3
#define PLANE_COL_TYPE			1	// i.e a wall
#define RAY_COL_TYPE			2	// i.e a bullet shot

#define INWARD_TYPE				1		// wall type
#define OUTWARD_TYPE			2		// box or something


// max number of line segments for testing
#define MAX_DIST_STACK	250

// The bullet has to stop somewhere, so
// create some insane value for the desination
#define MAX_BULLET_DEST			2000.0f

// collisionobj
// - for now only handle
// objects with a width and position
typedef struct tagCollisionObj {
	int id;
	// used for a line segment
	float	pos_0[2];
	float	pos_1[2];

	// collision x,y
	// the predicted positions
	float	collision_x;
	float	collision_y;
	float	dist;		// distance of collision

	int		movement_type;

	// drawing plane object
	float	box_x;
	float	box_y;
	float	size[3];

	// object can be a driverbot or staticbot
	StaticBotPtr	static_ptr;

	DriverBotPtr	bot_ptr;

	// we need to stop using static arrays
	struct tagCollisionObj	*next;

} CollisionObj, *CollisionPtr;

void Build_DistStack(void);

// CollisionList
typedef struct tagCollisionList {
	CollisionObj *front;
	int			objects;
} CollisionList;

// Library functions
CollisionPtr CreateCollisionObj(void);
void DeleteCollisionObj(CollisionObj *ptr);

CollisionList *CreateCollisionList(void);
void DestroyColList(CollisionList *list);
void PrintCollisionList(CollisionList *list);
void InsertColFront(CollisionList *list, CollisionObj *col_obj);

// NOTE: in order to use this collision object
// only use the following functions

// for outward objects
void InsertColSegment(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2);

// call in main.cpp/glAnt.cpp, wherever main is
void Create_Col_List(void);
void Delete_Col_List(void);
void Print_Col_List(void);

// used to perform the check
CollisionPtr CheckCollisionList(void *test_obj, int type);

// another member function for collision test
bool CheckCollisionBot(DriverBotPtr test_obj);

// For moving objects here is the library
CollisionPtr CheckCollisionMoving(StaticBotPtr test_obj);
void Insert_MovingObj(DriverBotPtr bot);


// collision.cpp
// - test a collision against any object
// At present, everything is based on
// ray and line intersection
// For example, once a bullet is fired
// it generates a ray, and the ray is tested
// against the lines that make up the wall
// A moving object for example one of the
// ships has a 
// There may several different functions
// to check for collisions 
// There may also be several different
// ways to insert a segment to perform
// a collision against
//		- Berlin Brown


#include 			// Header File For The OpenGL32 Library
#include 			// Header File For The GLu32 Library
#include 		// Header File For The Glaux Library

#include "collision.h"
#include "gldrawlib.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "fireants.h"

static void Reset_DistStack(void);
static void Insert_DistStack(CollisionPtr ptr);
static CollisionPtr Find_DistStack(float x, float y);

static bool CheckLineHit(CollisionPtr ptr, 
				 float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2);

static void Intersect_Lines(float x0,float y0,float x1,float y1,
                     float x2,float y2,float x3,float y3,
                     float *xi,float *yi);
// insert
static void InsertFront(CollisionList *list, CollisionObj *col_obj);

// We have a little problem
// since we doing a lot of line collision algorithms
// we need to find the closest collision
// by using a stack and then finding the
// shortest distance on the stack
// allocate an array of ptrs
static CollisionPtr dist_stack[MAX_DIST_STACK];
static int dist_stack_ctr = 0;

static float mOrig_x=0, mOrig_y=0;
static float mDest_x=0, mDest_y=0;
static float mCol_x = 0, mCol_y=0;

#define CLOCKWISE			-1
#define LINE				0

#define BOT_LIST			moving_list

// main list for collision objects
CollisionList *collision_list;

// another list for moving objects
CollisionList *moving_list;

// Note: insert and delete are the two most dangerous
// functions

// similar to plist.cpp, except uses CollisionObj

// Reset_DistStack(void)
static void Reset_DistStack(void)
	dist_stack_ctr = 0;
} // end of the functino 

// Insert_DistStack
static void Insert_DistStack(CollisionPtr ptr)
	dist_stack[dist_stack_ctr] = ptr;

	// Note: we are not checking for the max, sorry

} // end of the function

// Find_DistStack
// - find the shortest from the given 
// point
static CollisionPtr Find_DistStack(float x, float y)
	float min = 10000;
	float res;
	int i = 0;
	float x2, y2;
	float tmp1, tmp2;
	int min_id=-1;

	CollisionPtr ptr;

	for (i = 0; i < dist_stack_ctr; i++)
		ptr = dist_stack[i];

		x2 = ptr->collision_x;
		y2 = ptr->collision_y;

		tmp1 = x2 - x;
		tmp2 = y2 - y;

		// get the distance
		res = (float)sqrt((tmp1 * tmp1)+(tmp2 * tmp2));

		if (res < min)
			// get new min
			min = res;
			min_id = i;

			dist_stack[min_id]->dist = res;
		} // end of the if 

	} // end of the function

	return dist_stack[min_id];

} // end of the functino 

// IsEmpty
int IsEmpty(CollisionList *list)

 if (list->front == NULL)
	return 1;		/* first pointer null, list is empty */
	return 0;

} /* end of the fcuntion */

// Create CollisionList
CollisionList *CreateCollisionList(void) {

    CollisionList *result = (CollisionList *)malloc(

    result->front = NULL;
	result->objects = 0;

	return result;

} // end of the function 

// DestroyColList
void DestroyColList(CollisionList *list) {

    CollisionObj *pos, *next;
    pos = list->front;

    while(pos != NULL) {

        next = pos->next;

		// need deletecollisionobject

        pos = next;

    } // end of the while 


} // end of the function 

// Insert Front
// - we will assume that you are created the object
void InsertColFront(CollisionList *list, CollisionObj *col_obj) 
	CollisionObj *new_node = NULL;

	new_node = col_obj;

	if (IsEmpty(list))

  		list->front = new_node;

	else {
		new_node->next = list->front;
		list->front = new_node;

	} // end if 


} // end of the function

// void InsertCol
// - normal setup function
void SetupInsert(CollisionObj **ptr)
	(*ptr) = CreateCollisionObj();

	(*ptr)->id = collision_list->objects;

	InsertColFront(collision_list, *ptr); 

} // end of the function

// Note: use this with the moving collision
// objects list
// Setup_Moving
void Setup_Moving(CollisionObj **ptr)

	(*ptr) = CreateCollisionObj();

	(*ptr)->id = BOT_LIST->objects;

	InsertColFront(BOT_LIST, *ptr); 
} // end of the function 

// Insert_MovingObj
void Insert_MovingObj(DriverBotPtr bot)
	// set up the struct
	CollisionObj *ptr = NULL;
	Setup_Moving(&ptr);		// insert into moving obj list

	ptr->movement_type =  MOVING_COL_TYPE;	// moves

	ptr->bot_ptr = bot;
} // end of the function

// Next Library function
//  Check_MovingHit
// - check a moving object against a bullet
bool Check_MovingHit(CollisionPtr ptr, StaticBotPtr boid)
	float orig[2];
	float dest[2];
	float res_x, res_y;
	float x, y;
	float dv;
	int i = 0;
	float o[2];
	float d[2];

	// this value 
	// can changed to get a more accurate
	// collision
	dv = 0.7f * BULLET_LEN;

	x = (float)sin(boid->virt_heading*PI_180) * dv;
	y = (float)cos(boid->virt_heading*PI_180) * dv;

	// build first line --
	orig[0] = boid->position[0];
	orig[1] = boid->position[2];

	dest[0] = boid->position[0] - x;
	dest[1] = boid->position[2] - y;

	// perform two different tests
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)

			// we already know the type
			// but to be consistent

				// change some of the parms in the ptr
				// depending which iteration
				if (i == 0) {
					// build second line
					o[0] = ptr->bot_ptr->x + ptr->bot_ptr->x_min;
					o[1] = ptr->bot_ptr->y 
								+ ptr->bot_ptr->y_max;

					d[0] = ptr->bot_ptr->x + ptr->bot_ptr->x_max;
					d[1] = ptr->bot_ptr->y + ptr->bot_ptr->y_min;
				} else {

					// build line
					o[0] = ptr->bot_ptr->x + ptr->bot_ptr->x_min;
					o[1] = ptr->bot_ptr->y 
								+ ptr->bot_ptr->y_min;

					d[0] = ptr->bot_ptr->x + ptr->bot_ptr->x_max;
					d[1] = ptr->bot_ptr->y + ptr->bot_ptr->y_max;

				} // end of the if 

				ptr->pos_0[0] = o[0];
				ptr->pos_0[1] = o[1];

				ptr->pos_1[0] = d[0];
				ptr->pos_1[1] = d[1];

				if (CheckLineHit(ptr, orig[0], orig[1], 
					dest[0], dest[1]))

					// also get the point of intersection
						orig[0], orig[1],
						dest[0], dest[1],
                     &res_x, &res_y);

					ptr->collision_x = res_x;
					ptr->collision_y = res_y;

					return true;

				} // end of the if


			default: break;

	} // end of the for 

	return false;

} // end of the function 

// CheckCollisionMoving
// - check for bullets versus moving ships
CollisionPtr CheckCollisionMoving(StaticBotPtr test_obj)
 CollisionObj *current_ptr;

 // we should never assume list is empty but, ahh..
 if (IsEmpty(BOT_LIST))
	return NULL;
 current_ptr = BOT_LIST->front;

 // sorry have to seek down the entire list
 while(current_ptr != NULL)
	if (Check_MovingHit(current_ptr, test_obj))
		return current_ptr;

	} // end of the if 

 	current_ptr = current_ptr->next;

 } // end of while

 return NULL;
} // end of the function 

// Insert a Line segment
// we are working in 2d space pretty much
// A line segment can be a wall and this
// function converts that wall into a plane
// you need to provide the normal
void InsertColSegment(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2)

	// set up the struct
	CollisionObj *ptr = NULL;
	SetupInsert(&(ptr));	// inserted into standard list

	ptr->pos_0[0] = x_1;
	ptr->pos_0[1] = y_1;

	ptr->pos_1[0] = x_2;
	ptr->pos_1[1] = y_2;

	// calculate distance from 0,0
	ptr->movement_type =  PLANE_COL_TYPE;	// does not move

} // end of the function 

// Test for intersection of the line
// assuming they intersect
void Intersect_Lines(float x0,float y0,float x1,float y1,
                     float x2,float y2,float x3,float y3,
                     float *xi,float *yi)

float a1,b1,c1, 

	if ((x1-x0)!=0)
		m1 = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0);
		m1 = (float)90000; 

	if ((x3-x2)!=0)
		m2 = (y3-y2)/(x3-x2);
		m2 = (float)1e+10;   // close enough to infinity

	// compute constants

	a1 = m1;
	a2 = m2;

	b1 = -1;
	b2 = -1;

	c1 = (y0-m1*x0);
	c2 = (y2-m2*x2);

	// compute the inverse of the determinate

	det_inv = 1/(a1*b2 - a2*b1);

	// use Kramers rule to compute xi and yi

	*xi=((b1*c2 - b2*c1)*det_inv);
	*yi=((a2*c1 - a1*c2)*det_inv);

} // end Intersect_Lines

// Check for Clock direction
int CheckClockDir(float pt1[2], float pt2[2], float pt3[2])
  float test=0;
  float tmp1;
  float tmp2;
  float tmp3;
  float tmp4;

  tmp1 = (pt2[0] - pt1[0]);
  tmp2 = (pt3[1] - pt1[1]);
  tmp3 = (pt3[0] - pt1[0]);
  tmp4 = (pt2[1] - pt1[1]);

  test = ( (tmp1 * tmp2) -	(tmp3 * tmp4) ); 

  if (test > 0) 
  else if(test < 0) 
	  return CLOCKWISE;
	  return LINE;

  return -99;

} // end of the function 

// CheckLineHit
bool CheckLineHit(CollisionPtr ptr, 
				 float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2)
	int test1_a, test1_b, test2_a, test2_b;

	float p0_x, p0_y;
	float p1_x, p1_y;

	float a_1p1[2], a_1p2[2], a_2p1[2], a_2p2[2];

	p0_x = ptr->pos_0[0];
	p0_y = ptr->pos_0[1];

	p1_x = ptr->pos_1[0];
	p1_y = ptr->pos_1[1];

	a_1p1[0] = p0_x;
	a_1p1[1] = p0_y;	// point 1

	a_1p2[0] = p1_x;	// point 2
	a_1p2[1] = p1_y;		

	// -- next line --
	a_2p1[0] = x_1;		// point 1
	a_2p1[1] = y_1;		

	a_2p2[0] = x_2;		// point 2
	a_2p2[1] = y_2;

	test1_a = CheckClockDir(a_1p1, a_1p2, a_2p1);
	test1_b = CheckClockDir(a_1p1, a_1p2, a_2p2);

	if (test1_a != test1_b)
      test2_a = CheckClockDir(a_2p1, a_2p2, a_1p1);
      test2_b = CheckClockDir(a_2p1, a_2p2, a_1p2);

      if (test2_a != test2_b)

         return true;
      } // end of the if 

   } // end of the if 

   return false;

} // end of the function

// CheckHitBot
// - check for a collision with a wall and a bot
// we assume that the type is a moving bot
// with this function, we are testing
// two lines, the lines are a cross over the
// the bot
bool CheckHitBot(CollisionPtr ptr, DriverBotPtr bot)
	float orig[2];
	float dest[2];

	int i = 0;
	// perform two different calculations

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)

		if (i == 0)
			// build first line --
			orig[0] = (bot->x+bot->x_min);
			orig[1] = (bot->y_min+bot->y);
			dest[0] = bot->x+bot->x_max;
			dest[1] = bot->y_max+bot->y;
		} else {

			// build second line
			orig[0] = bot->x + bot->x_min;
			orig[1] = bot->y + bot->y_max;

			dest[0] = bot->x + bot->x_max;
			dest[1] = bot->y + bot->y_min;

		} // end of the if 


			if (CheckLineHit(ptr, orig[0], orig[1], 
					dest[0], dest[1]))
				return true;

			} // end of the if


			default: break;

	} // end of the for 

	return false;

} // end of the function 

// CheckHitLines
bool CheckHitLines(CollisionPtr ptr, void *test_obj, int type)
	StaticBotPtr	static_ptr=NULL;
	float orig[2];
	float dest[2];
	float dx, dy;
	float res_x, res_y;

	int owner=-1;

	if (type == RAY_COL_TYPE) {

		static_ptr = (StaticBotPtr)test_obj;

		orig[0] = static_ptr->virt_x;
		orig[1] = static_ptr->virt_y;

		// get the next point
		dx = (float)sin(static_ptr->virt_heading*PI_180) 
		dy = (float)cos(static_ptr->virt_heading*PI_180) 

		dest[0] = orig[0] - dx;
		dest[1] = orig[1] - dy;

		owner = static_ptr->owner;

	} // end of the if 


			if (CheckLineHit(ptr, orig[0], orig[1], 
					dest[0], dest[1]))
				// find the point of intersection
						orig[0], orig[1],
						dest[0], dest[1],
                     &res_x, &res_y);

				ptr->collision_x = res_x;
				ptr->collision_y = res_y;

				return true;

			} // end of the if


		default: break;

	return false;

} // end of the function 

// CheckCollisionList
// - the meat and potatoes of the function
// - check for a collision with our list
// returns: NULL means no collision
// - cpu intensive function
CollisionPtr CheckCollisionList(void *test_obj, int type)
 CollisionObj *current_ptr;

 StaticBotPtr	static_ptr=NULL;
 float x=0, y=0;

 // we should never assume list is empty but, ahh..
 if (IsEmpty(collision_list))
	return NULL;
 current_ptr = collision_list->front;
 // sorry have to seek down the entire list
 while(current_ptr != NULL)
	if (CheckHitLines(current_ptr, test_obj, type))
		// we have a hit, abandon ship

	} // end of the if 

 	current_ptr = current_ptr->next;

 } // end of while

 // NULL means no collision
 if (dist_stack_ctr == 0)
	return NULL;

	// Now check for the shortest collision

	if (type == RAY_COL_TYPE) {

		static_ptr = (StaticBotPtr)test_obj;

		x = static_ptr->virt_x;
		y = static_ptr->virt_y;

	} // end of the if 

	current_ptr = Find_DistStack(x, y);

	return current_ptr;
} // end of the function 

// Next Collision Test
// for bot with walls
bool CheckCollisionBot(DriverBotPtr test_obj)
 CollisionObj *current_ptr;

 // we should never assume list is empty but, ahh..
 if (IsEmpty(collision_list))
	return NULL;
 current_ptr = collision_list->front;

 // sorry have to seek down the entire list
 while(current_ptr != NULL)
	if (CheckHitBot(current_ptr, test_obj))
		return true;

	} // end of the if 

 	current_ptr = current_ptr->next;

 } // end of while

 return false;
} // end of the function 

// Remove Front
void RemoveFront(CollisionList *list)

  CollisionObj *temp_ptr = NULL;

  if (IsEmpty(list))
  else {
 	temp_ptr = list->front;

	if (list->front->next == NULL)
		list->front = NULL;		// reset
		list->front = list->front->next;



  } // end of the if-else

} // end of the function 

// PrintList
void PrintCollisionList(CollisionList *list)

 CollisionObj *current_ptr;

 CollisionObj *x=NULL;

 if (IsEmpty(list))
 current_ptr = list->front;
 while(current_ptr != NULL)
	// interesting 
	x = current_ptr;

	printf("ID: %d\n", x->id);

 	current_ptr = current_ptr->next;

 } // end of while

} // end of the function 

// CreateCollisionObj
CollisionPtr CreateCollisionObj(void)
	CollisionPtr ptr = NULL;

	ptr = (CollisionPtr)malloc(sizeof(CollisionObj));

	ZeroMemory(ptr, sizeof(CollisionObj));

	ptr->movement_type = PLANE_COL_TYPE;		// static or moving	

	ptr->next = NULL;
	ptr->static_ptr = NULL;

	return ptr;

} // end of the function 

// DeleteCollisionObj
void DeleteCollisionObj(CollisionObj *ptr)
} // end of the function 

void Create_Col_List(void)
	collision_list =  CreateCollisionList(); 

	// also create the moving list
	moving_list = CreateCollisionList();
} // end

// Delelet Col List
void Delete_Col_List(void)


} // end of the function 

// Print_Col_List
void Print_Col_List(void)
} // end of the function